![]() Fireaxe is a one man band namely Brian Voth. The tracks are : 1. The Rack 2. Earthbound Goddess 3. The New God 4. Another Dream 5. Unholy Rapture 6. I Am The Destroyer of Dreams 7. All In Flames 8. Where's The Sun? 9. A Wrench In The Works 10. One Last Kiss The opening track 'The Rack' starts with a short narration before the music comes in, hard & heavy and at the speed of a runaway train. This is fast and furious, equally as ast are the drums, and the guitars are heavily distorted. There's aome nice changes in diresction, mood and tempo. Brian's vocals take a little while to get used too, mainly because they are quite highly pitched. The next track 'Earthbound Goddess' starst with some echo guitar followed by some great intricate guitar work. The vocals are a bit more melodic on this track, although I do feel that Brian is straining at times. The guitar work is superb, great sounds and again there is quite a bit of distorted guitar. The third track 'The New God' is a great driving metal track. There's a powerful rhythm and some superb guitar work. Nice vocals from Brian. The next track is 'Another Dream', and is a track that starts off with Brian singing acapello, this is quietly powerful and emotional. Then in comes some nice intricate guitar work. Brian's vocals are quite melodic and then incomes the heavily distorted guitars. This track has quite a slow rhythm amd there's some suoperb guitar work. 'Unholy Rapture', starts with some intricate guitar followed by a heavily distorted guitar and some stunning lead over the top. The vocals are powerful, in the middle of the track there's some nice melodic guitar then it's back to the heavy distorted guitars. Again the guitar work is just stunning. The sixth track is 'I Am The Destroyer of Dreams', short narration followed by distorted guitars, this track has a fairly slow rhythm, middle shows an increase in tempo and there's more superb guitar. Later on into the track, there's a change in direction and the track becomes slightly more melodic and then near to the end the distorted guitars return. The next track 'All In Flames' is another track that has an extremely fast rhythm, superb guitar work, slows down slightly in the midddle and from there on changes tempo quite often. 'Where's The Sun', is a multi layerd guitar track, this is quite melodic with nice vocals. Later there is some distorted guitar work. The ninth track is 'A Wrench In The Works', starstw ith a short narration followed by heavily distorted guitar work. The final track is 'One Last Kiss', this track is quite melodic with some nice guitar moments, later there is some distorted guitars. This is an excellent album and one that will grab your attention. It is also an album that grows on you and may take you several listens before you begin to appreciate it's contents. But, hey, all you metal fans out there this CD will only set you back 5$, so order your copy today, infact order it now!! Brian did not make this album to make any money, he did it because of his love of music and his belief's. You can contact Brian at 21426 Lake Forest Drive. Apt.H, Lake Forest. CA 92630. Tel : 949 461 9619 |